Casa Son Vida
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Mallorca, Spain – Status: Completed 2008 – Area: 8,600 ft², 800 m²
One of the worlds most published houses in 2012/2013, – an endless list through dozens of countries from „Wallpaper“ to „Le Figaro“ to „Elle“ etc…, – also featured on various TV channels like HGTV etc.
Located approximately 15 minutes outside of Palma de Mallorca in an exclusive community called Son Vida, the eponymously named Casa is an example of design poetry in motion. The completion of this remarkable home marks the arrival of third millennia architecture on the island of Mallorca. The task at hand was straightforward: take a very un-extraordinary existing Mediterranean villa constructed in the 60s and transform it into something extraordinary. The 800 m2 luxury villa transgresses the constraints of site and context, redefining luxury architecture on the island.
“Chances are that Mallorca will become a the ” Island of exciting Design”
Elle Decoration, Germany
“. . . redefining luxury architecture . . .”
“Casa Son Vida 1 is a world-class luxury villa in a league of its own.”
“. . . is unavoidably exuberant and unabashedly outrageous. It stands as an expression of a new standard of progressive design that skews more futuristic than nostalgic, capturing the attention of the world with its unique sophistication.”
“. . .inspiring a design revolution on the island.”
“Poised on the brink of a design renaissance, Son Vida is on the way to establishing itself as an architecturally progressive community, putting Majorca on the global design map for years to come.”
Space Magazine, Korea
“Spain’s Balearic Islands have never seen anything quite like this villa
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